
Travel Tips

Step into the real heart of Malaysia - the citizens of the country. You would be pleasantly surprised at the warmth of Malaysia. For deeply entrenched within each of the different races is the engaging, charm and traditional hospitality which Malaysia is renowned for.

Malaysias enjoy meeting people from other lands. So, do go right ahead and strike up a conversation. After all, the whole point of travelling is to know other cultures.


When you greet a Muslim, offer your right hand then bring it towards you, fingertips lightly touching your heart. This is the traditional Salam or 'greeting of acceptance'. Hindus greet with a Namaste (in Hindi) or Vanakam (Tamil). Both palms are brought together as in prayer at mid-chest level. With a Chinese, you may shake hands. If you are really unsure about all the different forms of greetings, just smile and nod your head slightly when introduced.


Malaysia is 8 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and 16 hours ahead of United States Pacific Standard Time.

Tourist Police

Lost your way? Need help? Look for a tourist police officer. Tourist police officers are recognized by their checkered hat bands, dark blue shirts and trousers, and the letter "I" (for information) on a red and blue badge on their breast pocket.

Public Holidays

With its multiethnic population, it is not surprising that almost every month sees a different festival. Some of these are declared as Public Holidays. As festivals vary from year to year, it is best to check the dates with the nearest Tourism Malaysia Office before you plan your trip.

Electrical Supply

Electrical supply is on a 240-volt 50-cycle system.

Health Services

In the event you need medical care, there are private clinics in most towns. It is a good idea to take out a medical insurance before you travel as Malaysia does not have reciprocal health service agreements with other nations. For over-the-counter prescriptions, there are pharmacies and 'Chinese medical halls'.

Health Regulations

No vaccination is required for cholera and smallpox.


With a temperature that fluctuates little throughout the year, travel in Malaysia is a pleasure. The average temperature is between 21C and 32C. Humidity is high. Rain tends to occur between November to February on the east coast of Peninsula Malaysia, on western Sarawak, and north-eastern Sabah. On the west coast of Peninsula Malaysia, the rainy season is April to May and October to November.


As Malaysia's climate is sunny almost year round, light clothing is ideal. It is advisable for ladies, when entering mosques and temples, to wear long sleeves and loose pants or long skirts.